Skate Kitchen

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Real-life skaters star in this tough yet tender tale about teenage girls and growing up

di Ann Hornaday The Washington Post

In "Skate Kitchen," newcomer Rachelle Vinberg plays Camille, a shy, quiet 18-year-old living with her mom in suburban Long Island. Camille's passion is skateboarding - a pastime of which her traditional mother strongly disapproves - and one day, scrolling through Instagram, she happens upon a group of female skateboarders who regularly gather on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Taking up her board and screwing up her courage, Camille makes a leap that is geographically negligible but psychically epic, opening up a big wide world of ad-ven-ture, friendship, competition and heretofore unknown reserves of inner strength and resilience. [...]

di Ann Hornaday, articolo completo (3080 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Washington Post 21 agosto 2018

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