Regia: Jim Rakete

3.5 /5

Paese, anno: Germania, 2020

Durata: 73 minuti

The film recounts the global push of activists to tackle climate change and ensure the future of generations, with the participation of acclaimed personalities such as Wim Wenders and Patty Smith.

Tipologia: Film



Now' showcases the efforts and commitment of young activists from around the world such as Felix Finkbeiner (Planet for the Planet), Luisa Neubauer, Greta Thunberg (Fridays for Future) and Vic Barrett (Youth v. Gov) in an effort to raise awareness for effective solutions to the ecological emergency among as many people as possible. The goal is to challenge the status quo and initiate social and political change.
'Now' gives a voice to its young protagonists who explain what it's like to be an activist and reveal what the stakes are and how big and important they and everyone else is. There are also interventions by expert activists on the forecasts of future developments on our planet.

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E’ un documentario importante. Dovrebbero vederlo in tanti! Perchè questa programmazione solo di due ore?


Gran confusione e continuiamo a parlare...


Jim Rakete | 73 minuti

Quis ante commodo erat conubia

Class convallis interdum ultricies interdum arcu feugiat cursus ultricies non maximus