Toy Story 4

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Un film di John Lasseter, Josh Cooley. Con Tom Hanks, Tim Allen, Don Rickles, Corrado Guzzanti, Luca Laurenti.
Titolo originale Toy Story 4. Animazione, Ratings: Kids, durata 100 min. - USA 2019. - Walt Disney uscita mercoledì 26 giugno 2019. MYMONETRO Toy Story 4 * * * - - valutazione media: 3,41 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Pixar has done it again with the funniest of the series

di Jamie East The Sun

Toy Story 3 was pretty much the perfect film, expertly wrapping up the perfect trilogy. I was nervous for the gang - was a fourth Toy Story pushing Pixar's luck just one too many times? Well, I don't know how they keep on doing it, but forking shell, they've done it again. Toy Story 4 is a complete and utter joy. We begin nine years in the past, learning exactly why Bo Peep and her sheep were absent from Toy Story 3. Turns out she was given away (Molly, Andy's sister had outgrown her) but she was happy to go, knowing her time was up and a different adventure lay ahead - which gives the film its theme. [...]

di Jamie East, articolo completo (2895 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Sun 14 giugno 2019

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Premio Oscar (3)
Producers Guild (2)
Golden Globes (1)
Critics Choice Award (2)
ADG Awards (2)

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mercoledì 26 giugno 2019
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