Pets 2 - Vita da animali

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Michael Rechtshaffen

The Hollywood Reporter

Taking in The Secret Life of Pets 2, the obligatory follow-up to the $875.5 million-grossing 2016 forerunner, is sort of like having a cute, overly exuberant puppy constantly vying for your undivided attention. After a while, the adorableness begins to dissipate. It isn't that the sequel, directed by the returning Chris Renaud and again boosted by an energetic voice cast, doesn't deliver on the genially amusing, if disposable, fluff - it's just that the shtick-heavy storytelling proves even more undernourished than it was for the first outing. [...]

di Michael Rechtshaffen, articolo completo (3534 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Hollywood Reporter 23 maggio 2019

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