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Smutty jokes about STDs and lesbian cops makes film more slapstick than feminist

di Geoffrey MacNab The Independent

This dirty rotten mess of a film stars Rebel Wilson (who also produced it) and Anne Hathaway as con artists preying on rich and lecherous men in the south of France. The former, Lonnie, is a small time hustler who tricks her targets into giving her money for cosmetic surgery (fake boob jobs) or for saving her (non-existent) sister from sexual slavery. She wears black vinyl dresses so that when she is escaping from her enemies, she can blend in comfortably with any nearby trash bags. The latter, Josephine, is much more upmarket: a high class swindler who speaks in a very haughty English accent. [...]

di Geoffrey MacNab, articolo completo (4069 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Independent 9 maggio 2019

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