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Anne Hathaway's girl-power heist film is devoid of humour, chemistry and logic

di Robbie Collin The daily Telegraph

To say that I didn't laugh once during The Hustle would be factually accurate, yet it doesn't quite capture the strength and intensity of the not-laughing I was doing throughout. Here is a comedy so relentlessly and violently toe-curling that I left the cinema walking like one of the velociraptors that clacks along the kitchen worktops at the end of Jurassic Park. Originally titled "Nasty Women" after the Trumpian jibe from the 2016 American Presidential campaign trail, it is a gender-flipped remake of Dirty Rotten Scoundrels - itself a remake of the 1964 film Bedtime Story - with Anne Hathaway and Rebel Wilson in for Michael Caine and Steve Martin. [...]

di Robbie Collin, articolo completo (2745 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The daily Telegraph 9 maggio 2019

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