Fast & Furious - Hobbs & Shaw

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Fast & Furious: Hobbs and Shaw series delivers stunts so over the top they make jumping sharks appear tame

di Jamie East The Sun

The baddie's vehicle of choice receives an extra level of pummelling in this Fast & Furious spin-off starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Jason Statham. Vast swarming, convoys of the 4x4s go flying into the air, explode in balls of flames, crash into buildings and off cliffs. But I wouldn't want you to get the wrong impression about this action movie - it's not all about blowing up black Range Rovers. No, no, no...motorbikes, a helicopter, a McLaren sports car, a truck's trailer, old school American trucks, smoke stacks, countless windows and a lab also get trashed. [...]

di Jamie East, articolo completo (1776 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Sun 1 agosto 2019

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