Fast & Furious - Hobbs & Shaw

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Statham and Johnson butt heads in a full-metal screwball hoot

di Ed Power The Daily Telegraph

Buddy movies don't come any more riotous than this Fast and Furious spin-off in which Dwayne Johnson and Jason Statham trade punches and put-downs as super-agents with fists of fury and hearts of gold. The running gag is that bulging, Nietzsche-quoting American operative Luke Hobbs (Johnson) and geezer-ish British uber-spy Deckard Shaw (Statham) truly, madly, deeply loathe one another. They're supposedly working together to save the world from a killer virus. But the B-grade Bond set-up is quickly revealed to be an excuse to place Johnson and Statham in close proximity and let them have at it with their tank-buster banter. [...]

di Ed Power, articolo completo (2848 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Daily Telegraph 1 agosto 2019

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