Arrivederci Professore

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Johnny Depp is miscast in the out-of-step comedy-drama 'The Professor

di Gary Goldstein The Los Angeles Times

There are several workable narrative elements in writer-director Wayne Roberts' "The Professor," starring a miscast Johnny Depp as Richard, an English prof with terminal cancer who, as the film's press notes hyperbolically mislead, "transforms into a rebellious party animal." Unfortunately, the movie, which comes off strangely wide-eyed about such "outré" things as marijuana and same-sex attraction, evokes some 1970s-era George Segal vehicle as it struggles to pair hip defiance with come-to-Jesus-style pathos, the latter of which provides a few of the film's more compelling moments. [...]

di Gary Goldstein, articolo completo (1524 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 16 maggio 2019

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