Attacco a Mumbai - Una vera storia di coraggio

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'Hotel Mumbai' re-creates a terrorist attack with frightening echoes of today

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

The most chilling thing about the events depicted in "Hotel Mumbai" is not that they actually happened, not even that they could happen again, but that they are happening even as we speak. A somber, unsettling drama about the 2008 attack on India's largest city by jihadi terrorists from Pakistan cuts so close to the bone that it was pulled from theaters in New Zealand in the wake of the recent hate-fueled massacre in Christchurch. As horrific as what happened in New Zealand was, it was not of the scale of the Mumbai events, which took place over four days in six locations and left more than 160 dead, not counting nine of the attackers, and some 300 wounded. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (5388 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 21 marzo 2019

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