Cast Diana, nostra Madre: La sua Vita e la sua Eredità

Produzione: Gran Bretagna
Anno produzione: 2017
Durata: 89 minuti
Consigliato assolutamente no!
Indice di gradimento medio del film tra pubblico, critica e dizionari + rapporto incassi/sale (n.d.)
Jayne Fincher
Jayne Fincher
Se stessa
Anna Harvey
Anna Harvey
Se stessa
Elton John
Elton John
Se stesso
Gerard McGrath
Gerard McGrath
Se stesso
Diana Spencer
Diana Spencer
Se stessa (archivio)
Se stessa
Carolyn Warren
Carolyn Warren
Se stessa
Kofi Annan
Kofi Annan
Se stesso / Secretary-General of the UN (archive footage)
Malic Bradaric
Malic Bradaric
Se stesso / War Victim Bosnia
Naomi Campbell
Naomi Campbell
Se stesso / Former British Topmodel (archive footage)
 King Charles III
King Charles III
Se stesso / Prince of Wales (archive footage) (as Prince Charles)
Harry Herbert
Harry Herbert
Se stesso / Closest Friend of Diana
Katherine Middleton
Katherine Middleton
Se stesso / Wife of William (archive footage)
Zarko Peric
Zarko Peric
Se stesso / War Victim Bosnia
Henry Charles Albert David
Henry Charles Albert David
Se stesso (as Prince Harry Windsor)
Prince Philip
Prince Philip
Se stesso / Husband of Queen Elizabeth II (archive footage)
 Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth II
Se stesso - Queen of England (archive footage)
Ken Rutherford
Ken Rutherford
Se stesso / Director CISR of the James Madison University (as Dr. Ken Rutherford)
Julia Samuel
Julia Samuel
Se stesso / Psychoterapist and Founder Patron to Child Bereavement UK
Loretta Schrijver
Loretta Schrijver
Se stesso / Narrator the Netherlands (Voce)
 Anne Beckwith Smith
Anne Beckwith Smith
Se stesso / Lady-in-Waiting
Charles Spencer
Charles Spencer
Se stesso / Brother of Diana
Christy Turlington
Christy Turlington
Se stesso / Former American Topmodel (archive footage)
 Prince William of Wales
Prince William of Wales
Se stesso (as Prince William)
Ian Walker
Ian Walker
Se stesso / London Lighthouse Employee
Jerry White
Jerry White
Se stesso / University of Virginia (as Professor Jerry White)
Mark Bentley
Mark Bentley
Nicholas Kent
Nicholas Kent
Nick Kent
Nick Kent
Annie Lee
Annie Lee
Ashley Gething
Ashley Gething
Peter Thorn
Peter Thorn
Jon Sayers
Jon Sayers
Reva Childs
Reva Childs
Rick Aplin
Rick Aplin
Diana, nostra Madre: La sua Vita e la sua Eredità | Indice

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