Waiting for Forever


The reality-challenged film is an insipid contemporary fairy tale about a lovestruck young vagabond

di Robert Abele The Los Angeles Times

At least when Peter Pan refused to grow up, we got flying, island peril, heroism and pirates as part of the package. With Waiting for Forever, an insipid contemporary fairy tale about a lovestruck young vagabond shadowing a childhood sweetheart he can't bring himself to approach, we get stalking, juggling and cancer. Happy Valentine's Day!
It's rare to find a movie protagonist who singularly fails on every count to be a compelling, sympathetic or even understandable figure, but dopey street performer Will (Tom Sturridge) is one such character. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (2365 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 4 febbraio 2011

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Robert Abele
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