I ragazzi stanno bene

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Un film di Lisa Cholodenko. Con Annette Bening, Julianne Moore, Mark Ruffalo, Mia Wasikowska, Josh Hutcherson.
Titolo originale The Kids Are All Right. Commedia, durata 104 min. - USA 2010. - Lucky Red uscita venerdì 11 marzo 2011. MYMONETRO I ragazzi stanno bene * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,94 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Wives’ Tales

di Anthony Lane The New Yorker

Not long ago, in “Mother and Child,” Annette Bening played a controlling, easily angered woman who worked in a hospital and found her status as a parent challenged by unforeseen events. Now, in “The Kids Are All Right,” she opts for a complete change of tack, playing a controlling, easily angered lesbian who works in a hospital and finds her status as a parent challenged by unforeseen events. The drought of intelligent roles for women in middle age is so severe that you have to applaud Bening for seeking out these movies and making them her own, yet it would be disingenuous not to be taken aback by the harsh purpose with which so accomplished a seductress—think of her in “The Grifters” and “Bugsy”—has peeled away any trace of glamour in favor of a saturnine frown and a pursed mouth. [...]

di Anthony Lane, articolo completo (5425 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 12 luglio 2010

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venerdì 11 marzo 2011
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