Step Up 3D

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The exhilarating power of dance powers Jon M. Chu's film

di Kevin Thomas The Los Angeles Times

An exhilarating summer treat for all ages, "Step Up 3D" celebrates the transformative power of dance. The third installment in the popular series, it is the first American dance drama shot in digital 3-D and in its unpretentious way is the very model of the organic film musical in which there is a taut integration of cinematography, production design, choreography and dynamic music. The story line flows into dance numbers, and the use of very sharp 3-D images resists mere gimmickry to express the exuberance of the dancers leaping right off the screen and sheer youthful energy and high spirits. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (2270 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 6 agosto 2010

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