Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll

Un film di Mat Whitecross. Con Naomie Harris, Andy Serkis, Mackenzie Crook, Chris Wilson (II), Luke Evans.
Drammatico, - Gran Bretagna 2010.

Robert Abele

The Los Angeles Times

From the top of "Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll," a new biopic of eccentric British rock legend Ian Dury, Andy Serkis uncoils a performance of spit, grit and wit so ferocious it only serves to starkly clarify how unremarkable and formulaic the rest of the movie is. As the wily, self-destructive yet rudely charming lyricist-leader of the Blockheads — whose '70s-era hard-charging performance style and cleverly political songwriting helped usher in punk and New Wave — Serkis' Dury is almost too much for the movie he fronts, which fails to ignite under Mat Whitecross' rhythmless, oddly sentimental direction. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1418 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 24 giugno 2010

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Robert Abele

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