
Acquista su Ibs.it   Soundtrack Legendary  
Un film di Mel Damski. Con Danny Glover, Patricia Clarkson, John Cena, Madeleine Martin, Angelena Swords.
Sportivo, - USA 2010.

Robert Abele

The Los Angeles Times

"Legendary" is a bold-faced name for a lowercase effort, a school wrestling drama so mired in family-film clichés it can never shake loose the suspicion that — not unlike certain high-gloss mat bouts — the emotional fix is in from the get-go. From a few scenes introducing an easily bullied, bespectacled high schooler named Cal ( Devon Graye), his protective, widowed mother Sharon ( Patricia Clarkson), Cal's estranged, troubled ex-wrestler brother Mike (wrestling star John Cena), and a mysterious, smiling fisherman ( Danny Glover) who offers Cal plenty of sage-like advice, it's impossible not to chart where this "Karate Kid"-infused, broken-home soap is going. [...]

di Robert Abele, articolo completo (1395 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 10 settembre 2010

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