It's a Wonderful Afterlife

Un film di Gurinder Chadha. Con Steve Morphew, Steve Jones, Goldy Notay, Sacha Shilov, Teghvir Gujral, Harry Rance, Ray Panthaki, Jack Gordon.
Commedia, durata 100 min. - Gran Bretagna 2010.

Kevin Thomas

The Los Angeles Times

Writer-producer Gurinder Chadha has enjoyed much success in finding humor, touched with sentiment and poignancy, in life in Britain's Indian communities, most notably with her international hit "Bend It Like Beckham," about the plight of an Anglo-Indian girl obsessed with playing soccer but plagued by disapproving traditional parents. While her latest, "It's a Wonderful Afterlife," is affectionate and energetic, its comic premise seems too silly, and at times, too tedious, to hope for much cross-cultural appeal, despite a fine, committed cast. [...]

di Kevin Thomas, articolo completo (1690 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 7 ottobre 2010

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