When You're Strange

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Un film di Tom DiCillo. Con John Densmore, Johnny Depp, Robby Krieger, Ray Manzarek, Jim Morrison.
Documentario, durata 90 min. - USA 2009. uscita martedì 21 giugno 2011. MYMONETRO When You're Strange * * * - - valutazione media: 3,04 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

The new Doors documentary offers a primer on the group, but little insight into the band's enduring popularity.

di Randy Lewis The Los Angeles Times

For a band whose short, meteoric career was ignited by the hit "Light My Fire," the first full-fledged documentary about the Doors, "When You're Strange," is distressingly short on creative spark or historical illumination. The calling card of "When You're Strange," directed by Tom DiCillo and narrated by Johnny Depp, is some previously unseen footage of the band and its magnetic lead singer, Jim Morrison. That includes dramatic live performances from "The Ed Sullivan Show" in 1967, a 1968 TV appearance in Copenhagen and shots from the anarchic Florida concert that led to Morrison's conviction of indecent exposure. [...]

di Randy Lewis, articolo completo (4575 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 9 aprile 2010

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