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Un film di Richard Loncraine. Con Renée Zellweger, Veronica Taylor, Dan John Miller, Maury Ginsberg, Paul L. Nolan.
Titolo originale My One and Only. Commedia, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 108 min. - USA 2009.

Betsy Sharkey

The Los Angeles Times

There's something eminently appealing about the way Renée Zellweger's circa 1953 New York City socialite dispenses with her philandering husband in the lovely little bit of nostalgia that is "My One and Only." She tosses some clothes in a suitcase, pushesthe other woman out the door just for good measure, cleans out the safety deposit box, pulls her sons out of prep school, as soon as she can figure out which one they're attending these days, and sets off on a grand adventure nestled in the cushy leather of a baby blue Coupe deVille. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (4869 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 21 agosto 2009

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