Oltre le regole - The Messenger

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Death Calls

di David Denby The New Yorker

In “The Messenger,” Captain Tony Stone (Woody Harrelson), an Army lifer with a shaved head and a face like a cement block, and Staff Sergeant Will Montgomery (Ben Foster), a coiled, secretive Iraq-war hero, work together in one of the most difficult jobs in the armed services: informing parents and spouses that a loved one has been killed. They tell them immediately, hard upon the death, before the news can appear on the Internet or in the local paper. Messengers? For the families, the sternly polite men, arriving at the door in bemedalled uniforms and tilted berets, seem to be death itself. [...]

di David Denby, articolo completo (6289 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New Yorker 16 novembre 2009

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