Nemico Pubblico N. 1 - L'ora della fuga

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Un film di Jean-François Richet. Con Vincent Cassel, Samuel Le Bihan, Olivier Gourmet, Laure Marsac, Alain Doutey.
Titolo originale L'Ennemi public n°1. Azione, durata 130 min. - Francia, Canada 2009. - Eagle Pictures uscita venerdì 17 aprile 2009. MYMONETRO Nemico Pubblico N. 1 - L'ora della fuga * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,92 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Part 2 of the French saga finds Vincent Cassel's gangster heavier and even more self-absorbed and theatrical.

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

When last we saw redoubtable French gangster Jacques Mesrine, he was just starting to bask in the pleasures of being a celebrity criminal. Now, in "Mesrine: Public Enemy No. 1," the second film of this thug life diptych, we get to see him truly coming into his own. As played by French star Vincent Cassel, this Gallic bad boy weighs noticeably more than he did in the previous film, "Mesrine: Killer Instinct," and that's not the only thing that's grown larger. For as the French public starts to take increasing notice of his exploits, Mesrine's ego grows exponentially and his monstrous self-confidence so expands that he loses his temper on discovering that Augusto Pinochet's epochal military coup in Chile has pushed him off newspaper front pages. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (2534 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 3 settembre 2010

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venerdì 17 aprile 2009
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