Nel paese delle creature selvagge

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Un film di Spike Jonze. Con Max Records, Catherine Keener, Mark Ruffalo, Lauren Ambrose, Chris Cooper.
Titolo originale Where the Wild Things Are. Fantastico, Ratings: Kids, durata 101 min. - USA 2009. - Warner Bros Italia uscita venerdì 30 ottobre 2009. MYMONETRO Nel paese delle creature selvagge * * - - - valutazione media: 2,46 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Boy and Beasts, Human and Not

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

MOST of the action in "Where the Wild Things Are" takes place on an island of monsters, who roar their terrible roars and gnash their terrible teeth and, above all, try to work out their terrible emotional issues in the presence of a young boy named Max.
The creatures are brilliantly realized, with giant costumes, digitized faces and the voices of some very gifted actors (including James Gandolfini, Lauren Ambrose, Chris Cooper and Catherine O'Hara). The rough, strange naturalism of their world is the great achievement of the director Spike Jonze, who has a way, in all his films, of making impossible feats of visual invention look like child's play. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (6955 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 10 gennaio 2010

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