Blood: The Last Vampire


Teenage Terminatrix

di Jeannette Catsoulis The New York Times

Upholding the Japanese media mandate that every teenage terminatrix resemble a murderous Catholic schoolgirl, “Blood: The Last Vampire” introduces Saya (Gianna, otherwise known as the South Korean actress Jeon Ji-hyun), an ancient vampire-human hybrid posing as a 16-year-old student. Ever since her father was killed by the über-demon Onigen (an excruciating performance by the Japanese model and actress Koyuki), Saya, assisted by a shadowy organization known as the Council, has pledged to rid the world of demonkind. [...]

di Jeannette Catsoulis, articolo completo (1509 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 10 luglio 2009

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