A Christmas Carol

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Un film di Robert Zemeckis. Con Jim Carrey, Robin Wright, Gary Oldman, Colin Firth, Cary Elwes.
Fantastico, Ratings: Kids, durata 90 min. - USA 2009. - Walt Disney uscita giovedì 3 dicembre 2009. MYMONETRO A Christmas Carol * * * - - valutazione media: 3,32 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Dickens’ Victorian London Goes Digital

di Dave Kehr The New York Times

FOR more than 100 years, movies have been made in the same basic way: you put actors in front of a camera and photograph them.
Robert Zemeckis wants to change all that.
“A Christmas Carol,” which opens on Friday, represents Mr. Zemeckis’s third excursion into the brave new world of performance capture, a radically transformative technique that he pioneered with “The Polar Express” (2004) and continued to explore with “Beowulf” (2007).
Starring in this latest adaptation of Charles Dickens’s frequently filmed 1843 novella is Jim Carrey, who joins a distinguished roster of movie Scrooges that includes Alastair Sim, Albert Finney, George C. [...]

di Dave Kehr, articolo completo (9173 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 30 Ottobre

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giovedì 3 dicembre 2009
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