The Women

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Un film di Diane English. Con Meg Ryan, Annette Bening, Eva Mendes, Debra Messing, Jada Pinkett Smith.
Commedia, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 114 min. - USA 2008. - Bim Distribuzione uscita venerdì 10 ottobre 2008. MYMONETRO The Women * * - - - valutazione media: 2,20 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Catfights and Class Struggles, but Not at Katz’s Deli

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

“What is this, some 1930s movie?” asks a character in “The Women.” If only! Of course, the line pays winking homage to a specific '30s movie, directed by George Cukor and based on a notorious play by Clare Boothe Luce, that starred Norma Shearer and Joan Crawford and was also called “The Women.”
Further comparison would only serve to demean that sleek and waspish artifact of a bygone era, and also to humiliate the remake, a witless, straining mess written and directed by Diane English, the creator of “Murphy Brown. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (4798 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 12 Settembre 2008

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