Surfer Dude

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This Matthew McConaughey vehicle amounts to beach blanket boredom

di Michael Ordoña The Los Angeles Times

Look, Matthew McConaughey has his shirt off.
Perhaps it's his attempt at baring his soul for the apparent labor of love and Sex Wax, "Surfer, Dude." Yeah, there's a comma in there, presumably to imply something deeper than the disjointed mess it actually is.
For his production company's first jaunt, McConaughey has gathered friends including Willie Nelson and Woody Harrelson, a regular stoners' all-star team, to tell the tall tale of a super-mellow surfer dude (no comma) who refuses to take part in the corporate game. [...]

di Michael Ordoña, articolo completo (2427 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 12 settembre 2008

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