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Un film di Martin Provost. Con Yolande Moreau, Ulrich Tukur, Anne Bennent, Geneviève Mnich, Nico Rogner.
Drammatico, durata 125 min. - Francia, Belgio, Germania 2008. - One Movie uscita venerdì 22 ottobre 2010. MYMONETRO Séraphine * * * - - valutazione media: 3,14 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Yolande Moreau plays housekeeper and renowned untrained artist Seraphine de Senlis to high acclaim

di Kenneth Turan The Los Angeles Times

When we first meet Seraphine de Senlis, it's hard not to feel confused. This most ordinary of women, this overweight housekeeper trudging heavily through cobblestone streets in a shapeless black dress, she could not possibly be the subject of a major French motion picture, let alone one that won seven Césars, including best film, best screenplay, best cinematography and best actress for star Yolande Moreau. There must be some kind of mistake.
There is no mistake. What makes "Seraphine," directed and co-written by Martin Provost, so exceptional is that it neither condescends to nor romanticizes its subject. [...]

di Kenneth Turan, articolo completo (3969 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 5 giugno 2009

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venerdì 22 ottobre 2010
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