Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

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Un film di Bharat Nalluri. Con Amy Adams, David Alexander (IV), Clare Clifford, Shirley Henderson, Frances McDormand, Lee Pace.
Commedia, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 92 min. - Gran Bretagna 2008.

Frances McDormand and Amy Adams charm in the light, fun romantic fantasy

di Carina Chocano The Los Angeles Times

It's hard not to like a movie in which Frances McDormand spends half her screen time staring longingly at leftover scraps of bread and half-eaten apples, as she does in the charmingly featherweight "Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day." Nobody is as charmingly rueful, and it's rare to see her brand of poignant comedy anymore.
In the film, set in London in the days leading up to World War II, McDormand plays Guinevere Pettigrew, a down-on-her-luck governess who has just been fired from her last job for being too intolerant of her employers' lax morals. [...]

di Carina Chocano, articolo completo (2307 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 7 marzo 2008

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