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Un film di Nuri Bilge Ceylan. Con Yavuz Bingöl, Hatice Aslan, Ahmet Rifat Sungar, Ercan Kesal, Cafer Köse.
Titolo originale Üç Maymun. Drammatico, durata 109 min. - Turchia 2008. - Bim Distribuzione uscita venerdì 12 settembre 2008. MYMONETRO Le tre scimmie * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,91 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

When Self-Interest Clashes With Unruly Desire

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

At least since 2003, when his third feature, “Distant,” won two prizes in Cannes, the Turkish director Nuri Bilge Ceylan has been a star of the international art-film circuit. “Distant” and its successor, “Climates” (a Cannes selection in 2006), are distinguished by careful framing, minimal camera movement and a mood that combines deep ennui with erotic longing. Though the films occasionally glance at modern global and Turkish social realities, they have a studiously abstract, timeless quality, a style that seems intended to soothe gloomy late-born cinephiles with intimations of Antonioni. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (5350 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 1 maggio 2009

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