La rapina perfetta

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Un film di Roger Donaldson. Con Jason Statham, Saffron Burrows, Stephen Campbell Moore, Daniel Mays, James Faulkner.
Titolo originale The Bank Job. Thriller, durata 110 min. - USA 2008. MYMONETRO La rapina perfetta * * * - - valutazione media: 3,28 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

With a heist crew that doesn't know what it's getting into, this film finds fun in its stranger-than-fiction plot and twisting genre tropes

di Kevin Crust The Los Angeles Times

Leave it to a trio of crafty veterans to pull a fast one with "The Bank Job," a lively heist drama set in early 1970s London and inspired by an incredibly strange true story. Longtime screenwriters Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais, whose eclectic resume includes "Across the Universe," "Flushed Away" and decades of U.K. television, have woven a masterful narrative full of odd twists and dark humor from which Australian director Roger Donaldson and a prime cast mine plum characters and a tight plot to satisfying effect. [...]

di Kevin Crust, articolo completo (2546 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 7 marzo 2008

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