Kung Fu Panda

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Fuzzy Outsider, Kicking His Way Toward His Dream

di Manohla Dargis The New York Times

At once fuzzy-wuzzy and industrial strength, the tacky-sounding “Kung Fu Panda” is high concept with a heart. Even better, this animated feature from DreamWorks is so consistently diverting and visually arresting that it succeeds in transcending its storybook clichés. The tale has the consistency of baby pablum — it's nutritious and easy on the gums — but there's enough beauty and pictorial wit here from opening to end credits, enough feeling for the art and for the freedom of animation, that you may not care. [...]

di Manohla Dargis, articolo completo (4426 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 6 Giugno 2008

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Multimedia Shop & Showtime
Pubblico (per gradimento)
  1° | mario
  2° | giulia
  3° | the man of steel
  4° | carlo rosa
  5° | antonello villani
  6° | ultimoboyscout
  7° | niccolò
  8° | mik
Rassegna stampa
Filippo Mazzarella
Premio Oscar (1)
Golden Globes (1)
Critics Choice Award (1)

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