

Abhishek Bachchan, John Abraham and Priyanka Chopra star in a Bollywood comedy jampacked with fun. There's also a slightly rebellious nod to gay life

di Mark Olsen The Los Angeles Times

In the Indian feature "Dostana," two straight men pretend to be a gay couple to live in a luxurious Miami apartment. When they realize their new roommate will be a gorgeous (straight) woman, the charade immediately becomes more complicated. The film projects a fairly benign, effectively neutral attitude toward gay life, but homosexuality remains officially illegal in India, making "Dostana" playfully rebellious if not exactly a grand social statement. Rather, the film mines the situation as a freewheeling comedy of manners with an appropriate touch of weepy melodrama and, this being Bollywood, songs, songs, songs in the darndest places. [...]

di Mark Olsen, articolo completo (1969 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 17 novembre 2008

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