
Acquista su Ibs.it   Dvd Warlords   Blu-Ray Warlords  
Un film di Peter Ho-Sun Chan, Wai Man Yip. Con Jet Li, Andy Lau, Takeshi Kaneshiro, Xu Jinglei, Bao-ming Gu.
Titolo originale Tau ming chong. Azione, Ratings: Kids+16, durata 126 min. - Cina, Hong Kong 2007.

Using the Taiping Rebellion of 1860s China as his backdrop, director Peter Ho-Sun Chan has woven together an intimate story of men against a backdrop of history writ large.

di Betsy Sharkey The Los Angeles Times

"The Warlords," a sweeping saga set during the Taiping Rebellion of 1860s China, begins in silence. A field of broken, bloody bodies fills the screen, stiff like toy soldiers piled thick on a floor. Then a single face overtakes the space, a man lying among the dead; he is alive, but his eyes tell us that in a field of fallen comrades, life is not enough. And so begins this paean to men in battle, bonds forged and broken, starring a troika of Asian stars -- Jet Li, Andy Lau and Takeshi Kaneshiro -- as blood brothers and Xu Jinglei as Lian, the enigmatic beauty with the power to wound far worse than knives. [...]

di Betsy Sharkey, articolo completo (4177 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 2 aprile 2010

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