
Acquista su   Dvd Redacted   Blu-Ray Redacted  
Un film di Brian De Palma. Con Kel O'Neill, Ty Jones, Izzy Diaz, Rob Devaney, Patrick Carroll (II).
Guerra, durata 90 min. - USA, Canada 2007. MYMONETRO Redacted * * * 1/2 - valutazione media: 3,73 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Rage, Fear and Revulsion: At War With the War

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

Brian De Palma’s “Redacted,” a prizewinner in Venice and a polarizing selection at film festivals in Telluride, Toronto and New York, is one of a slew of new American movies that try to deal with the war in Iraq and related matters. Their moods and methods vary widely — “Redacted” is furious and confrontational; Robert Redford’s “Lions for Lambs” is pedagogical and talky; Paul Haggis’s “In the Valley of Elah” is mournful and unsettled — but I find myself drawn, in each case, to more or less the same conclusion. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (5279 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 16 novembre 2007

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