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Sorting Out an Inheritance: Three Siblings Dissect the Stuff of Life

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

In a literal, almost banal sense, Olivier Assayas’s “Summer Hours” is a movie about an inheritance. Hélène Berthier (Edith Scob), a silver-haired matriarch enthroned among her children and grandchildren at the beginning of the film, leaves behind a charming country house and a cherished art collection, and her heirs, as is normal, must figure out what to do with it all after her death.
Hélène’s eldest son, Frédéric (Charles Berling), wants to keep everything as it is, so that the next generation can gather at the old place and appreciate Grandma’s stuff. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (6444 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 15 maggio 2009

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