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Bearing Witness to Poland’s Pain

di A. O. Scott The New York Times

The first scene in “Katyn,”Andrzej Wajda’s solemn and searing new film, takes place on a bridge somewhere in Poland in mid-September 1939. The bridge is aswarm with people fleeing in opposite directions. Panicked families trying to escape the Germans, who invaded on the first of the month, collide with equally terrified compatriots coming from the eastern part of the country, scene of a recent Soviet intervention.
The chaos and terror form a living tableau of Poland’s terrible predicament in the middle of the last century, when it was caught in the pincers of two toxic strains of European totalitarianism. [...]

di A. O. Scott, articolo completo (4168 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 18 febbraio 2009

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Pubblico (per gradimento)
  1° | diletta di donato
  2° | karol bociek
  3° | para
  4° | damianazzo
  5° | francesco
  6° | ciccio capozzi
  7° | minnie
  8° | paola di giuseppe
  9° | gilez
Rassegna stampa
David Denby
Premio Oscar (1)
Festival di Giffoni (1)

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venerdì 13 febbraio 2009
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