Arsenico e Vecchi Confetti

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Harry and Pat and Kay and Richard in 1949

di Stephen Holden The New York Times

“Married Life,” a period comedy of manners merged with a suspenseful psychological thriller, aspires to be a hybrid of the sort that Alfred Hitchcock polished to perfection in the age of sexual subtext and subterfuge.
When to shudder and when to smirk: as you watch this sly marital fable of secrets, lies and homicidal intent, you’re never sure of what your reaction should be. Up to a point, the director, Ira Sachs (“Forty Shades of Blue”), who wrote the screenplay with Oren Moverman, clearly wants it that way. [...]

di Stephen Holden, articolo completo (4575 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 7 Marzo 2008

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