This Is England

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Un film di Shane Meadows. Con Thomas Turgoose, Stephen Graham, Jo Hartley, Andrew Shim, Vicky McClure.
Drammatico, durata 101 min. - Gran Bretagna 2006. - Officine Ubu uscita venerdì 26 agosto 2011. MYMONETRO This Is England * * * - - valutazione media: 3,43 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari. Acquista »

Skinhead Memories, Violent and Vivid

di Graham Fuller The New York Times

SHANE MEADOWS'S latest film, "This Is England," begins with a collage of news and pop culture clips from Britain in the early '80s: Margaret Thatcher, thewedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana Spencer, primitive aerobics classes, protesters at Greenham Common, the pop group Duran Duran, grim housing tracts, striking miners fighting with the police, skinheads marching with the National Front, a nighttime street riot. The sequence ends with grisly footage from the 1982 Falklands War: one soldier with half a leg missing being rushed to medics. [...]

di Graham Fuller, articolo completo (7223 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 22 Luglio 2007

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