

Stephen Olden

The New York Times

Abel, the protagonist of Alex van Warmerdam's Freudian comedy "Voyeur," is the ultimate passive-aggressive milquetoast with a streak of demonic mischief. At the age of 31, he has not set foot outside his parents' apartment in 10 years. Loafing about the house, Abel (Mr. van Warmerdam) spends hours peering into the windows across the street through binoculars and chasing flies with a pair of scissors. When his parents pack him off to a psychiatrist, he puts on an act and becomes a gibbering maniac. [...]

di Stephen Olden, articolo completo (3205 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 2 agosto 1991

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Rassegna stampa
Stephen Olden
Chris Tookey
Rassegna stampa
Nederlands (3)

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