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The Aging of Aquarius

di Charles Isherwood The New York Times

IF it were a man and not a musical, “Hair” would now be facing the indignities of middle age. As he turns 40, a man must reckon with harbingers of decay like reading glasses and a recalcitrant belly roll. If it were a man and not a musical, “Hair” might by now have a bald spot it was sheepishly trying to hide. Why “Hair” might even be wearing a hairpiece.
But man-made artifacts can defy the battering of the passing years as man cannot. The best music — and the best musical theater — at least has a shot at agelessness and immortality. [...]

di Charles Isherwood, articolo completo (10236 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The New York Times 16 settembre 2007

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