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Rassegna stampa di Douglas Sirk

Douglas Sirk (Detlev Sirk, Detlef Sierck, Detlev Sierck) è un regista, è nato il 26 aprile 1897 ad Amburgo (Germania) ed è morto il 14 gennaio 1987 all'età di 89 anni a Lugano (Svizzera).

The New Yorker

Love may be blind, but Douglas Sirk, one of Hollywood's greatest directors of love stories, observed his métier with revelatory clarity. A 1980 feature-length interview with Sirk, "From UFA to Hollywood," a splendid extra on a two-disk set of his "Magnificent Obsession" (Criterion), from 1954—the film that made Rock Hudson a star and brought new life to the soppy genre of "women's pictures"—distills the director's artistry and offers a lesson in moviemaking. UFA, the leading German movie studio of the prewar years, is where Sirk (born Claus Detlev Sierck) made films before leaving the country, in 1937. The interview is not a survey of Sirk's career but rather an in-depth exploration of several key experiences, beginning with his creation of a star—Zarah Leander, a Swedish singer who had little acting talent but impressed him with "the force of her personality."


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