X-Men - Dark Phoenix

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Owen Gleiberman


How powerful is Phoenix, a.k.a. Jean Grey (Sophie Turner), the dark and stormy heroine of "Dark Phoenix"? It's 1992, and on one of her first missions as an X-Woman, she is sent up on the X-Jet, along with the scarlet-haired hellion Mystique (Jennifer Lawrence), Cyclops (Tye Sheridan) in his Bono wraparounds, the chivalrous Beast (Nicholas Hoult), the fearsome Storm (Alexandra Shipp), and all the rest of them. Their job is to save the astronauts who are traveling on the maiden flight of the Space Shuttle Endeavor. [...]

di Owen Gleiberman, articolo completo (7181 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 4 giugno 2019

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