Pets 2 - Vita da animali

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Dogs and cats stick to the formula in 'The Secret Life of Pets 2'

di Katie Walsh The Los Angeles Times

The key to the appeal of "The Secret Life of Pets" is that the filmmakers understand the lovable quirks and characteristics that make our furry friends who they are. In the sequel to the animated hit, "The Secret Life of Pets 2," it's more of the same, but with babies and toddlers thrown into the mix. If you've seen the first movie, you get it. Aside from plumbing the personalities of cats and dogs and bunnies for humor, the first film imagined a whole wild world of adventure for the apartment-bound pets of New York City. [...]

di Katie Walsh, articolo completo (3271 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Los Angeles Times 5 giugno 2019

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