Spider-Man: Far From Home

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Tom Holland fills the Avengers void with a breezy superhero holiday snap

di Robbie Collin The daily Telegraph

Having spent the last decade building up to the second most successful film ever made, it's only natural that Marvel Studios would want to take a gap year. Spider-Man: Far From Home offers a breezy, Europe-set intermezzo between Avengers: Endgame and whatever is coming next - a kind of sorbet in blockbuster form to punctuate the binge. Thanos has been vanquished and his genocidal finger-snap reversed, an atrocity the general public now casually refer to as "the blip". They're considerably more unnerved by the lack of A-list superheroes on the scene now the likes of Iron Man and Captain America have been moved to the folder marked "contracts expired", and the clamour is growing for a survivor to fill the void. [...]

di Robbie Collin, articolo completo (3080 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The daily Telegraph 2 luglio 2019

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