Serenity - L'Isola dell'Inganno

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Un film di Steven Knight. Con Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Djimon Hounsou, Diane Lane.
Titolo originale Serenity. Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 106 min. - USA 2019. - Lucky Red uscita giovedì 18 luglio 2019. MYMONETRO Serenity - L'Isola dell'Inganno * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,65 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Andrew Barker


Shortly after the publication of his short story "The Vane Sisters" - in which a plot twist is revealed through a hidden acrostic message in the final paragraph - Vladimir Nabokov quipped that the narrative trick he employed was something that "can only be tried once in a thousand years of fiction." Perhaps we'll need to call for a similar moratorium, albeit for entirely different reasons, on the type of twist that powers Steven Knight's soggy, island-bound noir "Serenity." Distinguished only by its starry cast and cinematographer Jess Hall's beautiful lensing of some idyllic Mauritius locations, "Serenity" sees a usually reliable screenwriter-turned-director take a bold swing and miss the mark completely, so intent on pulling the rug out from under you that he never notices you weren't even standing on it. [...]

di Andrew Barker, articolo completo (3606 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 24 gennaio 2019

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