
Acquista su Ibs.it   Dvd Hellboy   Blu-Ray Hellboy  

A lurid, confusing mess that's only partially redeemed by its tongue-in-cheek humour

di Geoffrey MacNab The Independent

British director Neil Marshall's reboot of the Hellboy franchise is a lurid, confusing mess, only partially redeemed by its tongue-in-cheek humour and fitfully impressive visual effects. The meandering, time-travelling plot opens in AD517 and closes in London in 2019. King Arthur puts in an appearance. So do the Nazis. We briefly catch a glimpse of Rasputin, the mad Russian monk. There are references to Alice in Wonderland and one scene involving Mexican wrestlers. The violence is so extreme and so stylised that it soon begins to resemble a Monty Python spoof of a Sam Peckinpah movie. [...]

di Geoffrey MacNab, articolo completo (4468 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Independent 11 aprile 2019

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