Dolor y Gloria

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Life meets art in Almodóvar's wistful extravaganza

di Peter Bradshaw The Guardian

Pedro Almodóvar has found a more intensely personal register than ever for his tender new movie about an ageing film director in retreat from his profession, facing ill health, depression and the decline of his powers. It's Almodóvar's 21st feature: maybe it could be called 20 ˝. Pain and Glory is an autumnal film in a ruminative minor key, with more pain than glory - although glory does make a late resurgence. It brings Almodóvar's focus to death: his own and those of the people he loves, but also to the passion of film-making which may yet conquer death, or provide a way of coming to terms with it. [...]

di Peter Bradshaw, articolo completo (3658 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The Guardian 17 maggio 2019

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