Beautiful Boy

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Un film di Felix Van Groeningen. Con Steve Carell, Maura Tierney, Jack Dylan Grazer, Oakley Bull, Timothée Chalamet.
Titolo originale Beautiful Boy. Drammatico, Ratings: Kids+13, durata 111 min. - USA 2018. - 01 Distribution uscita giovedì 13 giugno 2019. - VM 14 - MYMONETRO Beautiful Boy * * 1/2 - - valutazione media: 2,87 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

A devastating, heart-piercing ode to fatherhood

di Robbie Collin The daily Telegraph

If all parenting falls on a spectrum between the desires to smother your child and to strangle them, then Beautiful Boy could fairly be said to run the gamut. For his English-language debut, the Belgian director Felix Van Groeningen has adapted the American journalist David Sheff's 2008 memoir about his son Nic's descent into crystal meth addiction, and his subsequent attempts to both get his head around this slow-motion crisis and somehow drag his child out of it. It is a film of rare emotional complexity and punch - not just wincingly sharp on the business of addiction in particular, but also a heart-piercing ode to fatherhood at large. [...]

di Robbie Collin, articolo completo (4492 caratteri spazi inclusi) su The daily Telegraph 17 gennaio 2019

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giovedì 13 giugno 2019
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