American Animals

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Guy Lodge


What do most of us know about planning a heist that we didn't glean from the movies? As "American Animals" points out, there's not a wealth of published how-to manuals on the subject. Yet cinema has shown us enough intricate robberies, both failed and fortune-yielding, to fuel many an idle daydream about how we'd hypothetically do it and make a clean getaway. Needless to say, the chasm between imagination and reality is an especially gaping one on this front. That disconnect makes the amateur plotting and execution of the 2004 "Transy Book Heist" - which saw four Kentucky university students attempt a multimillion-dollar art theft from their own college library - ideal material for director Bart Layton, whose 2012 hybrid documentary "The Imposter" hinged on the tension between facts and subjective storytelling. [...]

di Guy Lodge, articolo completo (6926 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 19 gennaio 2018

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