Il treno va a Mosca

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Un film di Federico Ferrone, Michele Manzolini. Con Sauro Ravaglia Documentario, durata 70 min. - Italia, Gran Bretagna 2013. MYMONETRO Il treno va a Mosca * * * - - valutazione media: 3,42 su -1 recensioni di critica, pubblico e dizionari.

Jay Weissberg


Italian communism, unlike its cousins behind the Iron Curtain, was generally a less doctrinaire offshoot of Marxism; proponents were wary of homegrown demagogues but wanted to believe in the bill of goods sold them by Lenin, Stalin and Co. The party's popularity in the immediate postwar years needs to be seen in light of the devastation experienced by much of Italy, when the desire for a better, more equitable world gripped a generation after years of deep civil strife and privation. This was especially true in the Emilia-Romagna region, where Ravaglia was 10 when his father was killed by a Nazi soldier just as the war ended. [...]

di Jay Weissberg, articolo completo (3498 caratteri spazi inclusi) su Variety 23 dicembre 2013

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